Dems determined to ignore progress in Iraq: "Sen. Joe Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, came out with a big statement on Iraq last week. Did you hear about it? Probably not. Everyone was still raving about his Democrat colleague, Rep. Jack Murtha, whose carefully nuanced position on Iraq is: We're all doomed unless we pull out by next Tuesday! (I quote from memory.)
Also, the United States Army is "broken," "worn out" and "living hand to mouth." ... this guy Lieberman's evidently some nobody no one need pay any attention to.
Here's why. His big piece on Iraq was headlined "Our Troops Must Stay."
Mark calls them the Defeaticrat Party. They want defeat.
Actually, Wretchard at Belmont Club also noted their desire for defeat. I'm wondering if they don't want to fight Vietnam again, and this time LOSE while opposing US war against commies. Or at least maybe they really "know" it would be better if they lose.
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