Michael Totten: TCS Daily - The Slow Rot of Hosni Mubarak: "To those who are easily and perhaps willingly fooled, Egypt’s ruler Hosni Mubarak appeared to cry “uncle!” after sustained U.S. pressure to open up his one-party state and hold real elections. But the reforms are a farce -- and hailing his just-kidding charade as a sign of progress in the Middle East is both naïve and reckless.
Human rights activists and independent politicians -- most famously Saad El Din Ibrahim and, more recently, Ayman Nour -- continue to be harassed, arrested, and booked on trumped up charges. And since kicking around his opponents during “campaign season” isn’t enough to guarantee victory, Mubarak works over the voters as well."
It started with Nasser, who destroyed so much more than he built; a continuation with Sadat and especially Hosni Mubarak, the current dictator in Egypt.
The USA needs to aid only opposition groups in Egypt, not the current corrupt kleptocratic oppressors.
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