neo-neocon thinks about bloggers when reading: "Creative and manic thinking are both distinguished by fluidity and by the capacity to combine ideas in ways that form new and original connections. Thinking in both tends to be divergent in nature, less goal-bound, and more likely to leap about or wander in a variety of directions. Diffuse, diverse, and leapfrogging ideas were first noted thousands of years ago as one of the hallmarks of manic thought. More recently, the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler observed: 'The thinking of the manic is flighty. He jumps by by-paths from one subject to another...With this the ideas run along very easily...Because of the more rapid flow of ideas, and especially because of the falling-off of inhibitions, artistic activities are facilitated even though something worthwhile is produced only in very mild cases and when the patient is otherwise talented in this direction.'..."
Hayek in Slovakia
A Senior Fellow from the F. A. Hayek Foundation, in Slovakia. Courageous Thinking -- Successful Reforms Nadacia F. A. Hayeka, niekedy po slovensky. [Ale chudny char codes]
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
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