Monday, February 20, 2006

The Belmont Club on Rumsfeld's info war: "Some commenters believed that information warfare should be used to goad the Muslim street into a final, apocalyptic confrontation. Pork Rind for Allah seriously argues for the use of ridicule 'to drive them insane', reflecting the view that the mental struggle between Islam and the West was between two irreconcilable camps, in which perhaps the jeer is the only remaining statement to make. While many commenters did not believe the world was locked in a final war of civilizations, the question of whether any resolution between the two intellectual camps other than an indefinite truce remained hanging in the air. For Freedom quoted an Asian Times article authored by Spengler which examined the question as legitimately intellectual exercise: When Even the Pope has to Whisper."

I think the US gov't could do more -- like offer US gov't cash prizes to the best reporting. Of the truth. Ignored or underreported by the MSM.

Chosen by D.o. State? Or by bloggers? Or by technorati links? Or some combination?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »

5:45 PM  

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