Wednesday, November 30, 2005

David Corn

David Corn - Beyond Wilkerson's Remark on Cheney as a War Criminal: Wilkerson "attacks the White House for its recklessly negligent handling of the post-invasion planning for Iraq. This was a criminal--at least in policy terms--act for which Bush and his crowd have escaped accountability. (See what happens when Congress is controlled by the party of the president?)"

Well David -- the Dems didn't have no real suggestions; some large group wanted MORE TROOPS; some other large groups wanted ADMIT a mistake and withdraw.

None had a plan to help Iraqis develop their own Constitution and elections.
Actually, I had one, a bit -- hold immediate food-ration card based elections for local mayors, and give the elected mayors more MONEY, power, and prestige. But put the locals more in control of security.
Also set up an Iraq Oil Trust, but require folk to register to vote to get it; and then to go to the polling places.


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