Tuesday, November 29, 2005

neo-neocon: For shame: murderers and terrorists

neo-neocon: For shame: murderers and terrorists: "For vast numbers of people, shame is experienced as a narcissistic wound that is unacceptable and almost literally unbearable. In such cases, a person cannot stand feeling shame and is driven to great anger at the source of the shame and must remove it: either in actuality, by doing away with the person or a substitute; or by an intense explosion of rage expressed verbally."

Shame relates also to envy -- prolly a basic foundation.

Neighborhood of God has a great chart showing 4 different reactions:
N = withdrawal, hiding (kids hiding eyes)
E = attack self, self-loathing (teen girl cutting self)
S = denial, alcohol / drugs addiction to something else
W = attack the other. Bingo.

With envy, there is a shame that others have worked for and achieved wealth, while the poor guy hasn't worked, and doesn't have the wealth; and while it's the poor guy's fault, the successful rich worker makes the poor guy look bad.

Cutting down the Tall Poppy.
Uppitty nigger, or uppitty white trash (low class trying to blend with upper folk).
Crabs in a pot, grabbing and pulling down any who might escape (image from Slovakia).

Envy from shame.

Rage at tax cuts for the rich!


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