Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Belmont Club - Bolivia elects anti-American Leftist: quotes Int'l Herald Tribune: " Morales, 46, an Aymara Indian and former coca farmer who also promises to roll back American-prescribed economic changes, had garnered up to 51 percent of the vote, according to televised quick-count polls, which tally a sample of votes at polling places and are considered highly accurate.

Publius Pundit, a blog that closely watches developments in Latin America says it wasn't even close. 'There was nothing fraudulent about it, and voter turnout was an amazing 80%. Bolivians who are celebrating this are happy because Morales is the first-ever indigenous Aymara president the nation has ever had. For people who have been shut out from the existing system, for whatever reason, it’s a great step forward to see one of their own in the highest office in the land.'"


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