Monday, January 02, 2006

Marc Cooper: "All of the Cubans in this crew, including Jose, considered themselves men of the left, supporters of the Revolution at one time or another. And now — a decade later– with Latour’s departure, they have, to a man, all left Cuba. Some are in Spain; others in Mexico. A few are in Florida. And now Jose is in Canada. Jose Latour also has three great books now out in English… I recommend all of them: Comrades in Miami, Havana World Series, and The Outcast."

Mr. Latour had become completely disenchanted with Cuba’s political system. “I believed in the revolution” at first, he recalled. “I thought it was the best thing that ever happened to my country. Ah well, it turned out it’s the worst thing that happened to my country.”

Too bad Marc Cooper will never allow himself to be enough in favor of brutal socialism to change his mind and admit he made a mistake. Marc is happy to bad mouth Pinochet, the right-wing Latin dictator who left BEFORE he died. Now being punished.

Yet it's not clear the alternatives, like Castro (or Chavez today) were much better.


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