Saturday, January 14, 2006

Eve at normblogwhy Kuper singles Israel out for criticism: "an implication of his view is that we should cut much more slack to countries which are unashamedly oppressive and tyrannical, and be far harsher to countries which explicitly endorse liberal values. (And indeed quite a few of those who think it's OK to single out Israel for criticism do appear to be acting on that principle.) This is a quite astonishing prioritization of the vice of hypocrisy (which Israel is supposed to possess above all others - itself a highly dubious claim which Kuper makes no attempt to support) at the expense of ignoring the rather more terrible vices of tyranny and mass murder."

The Left is fighting a Moral Superiority war -- so any who disagree MUST have their morality impinged. Israel ca NOT be allowed any moral high ground -- by the goose-stepping PC critics.


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