Friday, January 13, 2006

AIDS and HIV -- the establishment might be wrong.

Dean's World - -: "If the papers that Duesberg cites are not misrepresented — and it is difficult to see how hundreds of papers could be misrepresented without the AIDS establishment coming down mercilessly on his misrepresentations — then his points are indeed compelling. For example: Why is the amount of HIV present in most AIDS patients so small that PCR amplification is required to demonstrate its presence? Why is AIDS in the US and Europe not random as it is in other viral epidemics? Why would HIV take 10 – 15 years from infection to AIDS? Why is the mortality of HIV-antibody positives treated with anti-HIV drugs higher than the untreated group? These and other troubling questions are answered with impeccable logic and abundant references. Of course, the literature could have been abused to make a point, and I’m impressed that the full text of most of the papers cited in Duesberg’s 1992 review are now available though a hyperlink ( Anyone interested can make judgment."


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