Wednesday, January 18, 2006

SHEEN AIKIDO : "After every grading there are some students disappointed, and even upset, if they have not been successful in obtaining their next grade. Gradings are not rewards for training hard or attending sessions regularly, although both of these elements are necessary if your Aikido is to develop properly. Gradings are but an assessment of the student's ability to move on to the next stage of their training. The belt system is merely an indication that you have knowledge of the techniques at the lower grades and are ready to move on. However, previously learnt techniques. Even the highest grades of Black Belts continue to practice basic exercises and drills, always striving for perfection.

One must always remember that attaining Black Belt is not the end of the student's training, only the end of the first phase, although student's can be justifiably proud of achieving a Dan grade, it is only the start of their Aikido training. By the time the student has obtained this grade they will be fit, strong and have the correct technique and should be mentally competent enough to be able to embark on a most exciting journey knowing they will never reach their destination (perfection)."


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6:25 PM  

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