Austin Bay Blog » SmackBack: Dean with a white flag: Some say Rove played rope-a-dope. "The SmackBack from the Whtie House is long overdue, but there are problems with this “smart guy” interpretation. We’re in a long haul war. War effort takes primacy over political cycle. The White House is filled with “political cycle” types. They may win elections, but they don’t win wars. This White House needs a better balance."
I think the WH thought they could be "above" the anti-war noise, and just win; letting victory silence their critics. Lack of victory has weakened them -- they failed to define the victory steps back in June 2004, when it was: 1) soveriegnty, 2) elections for a Constitutional Assembly, 3) referendum on the Constitution. Each and every one a significant, difficult step.
And 4) election of Iraqi representatives, elected by law writen by elected Iraqis, and voted on by Iraqis.
More democracy than Japan has.