Thursday, December 01, 2005

Austin Bay Blog: Canadian Brinkmanship: "Paul Martin’s corrupt Liberal government lost a no-confidence vote. Time for new elections, and time for a new Canadian administration. Martin is the Nixon of the North managing “the next failed state” and it’s high time the man tumbled into political oblivion."

But Austin notes no other party will be a clear winner, so the Liberals might squeak through again.

La Shawn Barber’s Corner - Military Strategy for Pinheads: (a great parody yellow book cover) with guest Mean Dean having one of the best summaries of the Bush speech:
"the Command in Chief outlined a three part strategy for a successful conclusion to our presence in Iraq that included:

* a political component in which coalition forces would help Iraq build a free and democratic society;
* a security piece in which coalition troops would train Iraqi security forces well enough to guard their new found freedoms; and
* an economic element, a free market economy which will reward productivity while offering individuals a sense of personal destiny."

There are details of Dem responses by some who suffer from BDS.

David Corn: "Another Big Speech on Iraq That Won't Matter"

David continues his incessant BDS-based criticism against Bush and against democracy in Iraq. Wait, he doesn't quite say he's against democracy in Iraq -- in fact, as with most Leftists, he doesn't say what he favors at all.

He does make a good point about the growth of Shiite death squads -- something I've long predicted (when the Shia control Abu Ghraib). Iraqis will NOT be very respective of "human rights" for terrorists, nor minority Sunni terrorist sympathizers.

At least he's willing to quote Bush "our strategy is winning." It's just slower than most want,

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Anchoress » History Schmistory!: "“It doesn’t matter if this painting is historically accurate! It offends my feminist and humanist sensibilities today and therefore it must be taken down and removed from our sight!”

Selectwoman Sarah Peake spun her chair around near the end of the Nov. 14 meeting, gazed up at an oversized oil painting depicting the Pilgrims voting on the Mayflower Compact when they first landed in Provincetown, and declared that she wanted it removed."

The Anchoress takes this PC silliness and connects it with Dr. Sanity's Denial post.

The Belmont Club: "They were two different days, separated by 32 years. The grandfather paradox argues that the past exists independently of the present, that it remains graven in the mind of God, beyond our power to alter -- or to besmirch. Whatever Randy Cunningham did in later life, it remains true that on the tenth of May, 1972 ShowTime 100 would shoot down two MIGs, then a third. ..."

I also now think of Ludo Bagman in Harry Potter -- having been a fine Quiddich player, then drifting into deatheater problems. (Also, like Pete Rose, with a gambling problem.)

neo-neocon: Ramsey Clark rides again

neo-neocon: Ramsey Clark rides again: "Yes, Clark never met a dictator he didn't like, and this has been the case for decades. And yes, Clark is probably the most extreme leftist alive today who actually held a position of power in a Presidency--in his case, that of Lyndon Johnson, under whom he served as Attorney General."

Clark, like so many Leftists, rejects America's imperfections. He's so ashamed of them, he'd rather support destruction of America rather than make the world a better place, if it hurts anybody.

David Corn

David Corn - Beyond Wilkerson's Remark on Cheney as a War Criminal: Wilkerson "attacks the White House for its recklessly negligent handling of the post-invasion planning for Iraq. This was a criminal--at least in policy terms--act for which Bush and his crowd have escaped accountability. (See what happens when Congress is controlled by the party of the president?)"

Well David -- the Dems didn't have no real suggestions; some large group wanted MORE TROOPS; some other large groups wanted ADMIT a mistake and withdraw.

None had a plan to help Iraqis develop their own Constitution and elections.
Actually, I had one, a bit -- hold immediate food-ration card based elections for local mayors, and give the elected mayors more MONEY, power, and prestige. But put the locals more in control of security.
Also set up an Iraq Oil Trust, but require folk to register to vote to get it; and then to go to the polling places.

GM's Corner

GM's Corner: "Germany And America - At A Crossroads!"

GM Roper and Atlantic Review are starting a carnival of Germany and America.

With Merkel, things are looking up. With secret CIA flights, things CAN get worse.

Prolly good timing.

La Shawn Barber’s Corner

La Shawn Barber’s Corner "2005 ‘Best Blog’ Endorsements"
A fine list of fine blogs, and why they're specially good.

Media Lies -- Bush served honorably

"For the record, Bush served honorably" so say his Texa Air National Guard wingmen.
This case should be closed.

I'd like more news folks to have Form 801 (?) from Bush, though.

Grim's Hall

Grim's Hall: "The question is whether it is proper to have a civilized debate that begins with accusations of treason. Treason is, after all, a capital crime: if you declare in seriousness that you believe another man to be a traitor, you are calling for his death."

Joel from those comments: "Unfortunately, the rest of your post utilizes an unnecessary degree of overstatement and hyperbolic claims. Under no circumstances would I actively seek to incite rebellion in my country even if I thought a cabal of evil men had usurped power."

The succession issue, and corrections when a mistake are made, are huge strengths of the democracy model of government. Especially with the tweak of term limits, so far fewer "presidents for life."

Grim is correct that Treason is a serious issue. But in fact, there IS a Moral Hazard to a Free Press -- anthing more critical than PR for war means more Americans will die. I still want balance, even if it means more terrorists join up. Of course, PR for the terrorists kill even more Americans, and is terrible.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

TCS: Tech Central Station - No Peace Without Syria

No War Without Egypt - No Peace Without Syria

Michael Totten has a great, and important, article using just the last half of an older Arab saying. His blog has fantastic pictures of Israel and Lebanon, and specifically the border.

The Hezbollah folk ought to be ashamed/ guilty of being such terrible stewards.

neo-neocon: For shame: murderers and terrorists

neo-neocon: For shame: murderers and terrorists: "For vast numbers of people, shame is experienced as a narcissistic wound that is unacceptable and almost literally unbearable. In such cases, a person cannot stand feeling shame and is driven to great anger at the source of the shame and must remove it: either in actuality, by doing away with the person or a substitute; or by an intense explosion of rage expressed verbally."

Shame relates also to envy -- prolly a basic foundation.

Neighborhood of God has a great chart showing 4 different reactions:
N = withdrawal, hiding (kids hiding eyes)
E = attack self, self-loathing (teen girl cutting self)
S = denial, alcohol / drugs addiction to something else
W = attack the other. Bingo.

With envy, there is a shame that others have worked for and achieved wealth, while the poor guy hasn't worked, and doesn't have the wealth; and while it's the poor guy's fault, the successful rich worker makes the poor guy look bad.

Cutting down the Tall Poppy.
Uppitty nigger, or uppitty white trash (low class trying to blend with upper folk).
Crabs in a pot, grabbing and pulling down any who might escape (image from Slovakia).

Envy from shame.

Rage at tax cuts for the rich!